1. Call to Order: The City Council of the City of Sachse will hold a Workshop Meeting on Monday, December 6, 2021, at 6:30 p.m. to consider the following items of business:
Dec 6, 2021 - City Council Combined Meeting

The Mayor and Sachse City Council request that all cell phones be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond or to conduct a phone conversation.

2. Conduct and discuss boards and commissions interviews.
Dec 6, 2021 - City Council Combined Meeting


With the exception of the Municipal Development District Board, each board and commission term expires every two years in November. Interviews must be conducted to fill vacancies as necessary. 



27 terms expired in November 2021. Of those, eight (8) vacancies need to be filled.



There are no policy considerations affiliated with this item.



Conduct and discuss boards and commissions interviews.

3. The City Council shall convene into Executive Session pursuant to Texas Government Code Section §551.087: Deliberation Regarding Economic Development Negotiations: Deliberate the offer of a financial or other incentive relating to Evolve Biologics (USA) Inc.
Dec 6, 2021 - City Council Combined Meeting
Closed Session
4. Any workshop item not completed prior to the City Council regular meeting at 7:00 p.m. may be continued following the regular meeting.
Dec 6, 2021 - City Council Combined Meeting
5. Discussion of City Council meeting agenda items.
Dec 6, 2021 - City Council Combined Meeting

Please note: These items are for discussion purposes only and no City Council action will be taken. The workshop session is for City Council and staff discussion. Citizen input is not permitted on this agenda.

6. Adjournment.
Dec 6, 2021 - City Council Combined Meeting
1. Call to Order: The City Council of the City of Sachse will hold a Regular Meeting on Monday, December 6, 2021, at 7:00 p.m. to consider the following items of business:
Dec 6, 2021 - City Council Combined Meeting

The Mayor and Sachse City Council request that all cell phones be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond or to conduct a phone conversation.

2. Invocation and Pledges of Allegiance.
Dec 6, 2021 - City Council Combined Meeting
C. Special Announcements
1. Mayor and City Council announcements regarding special events, current activities, and local achievements.
Dec 6, 2021 - City Council Combined Meeting
D. Citizen Input
1. Citizen Input: The public is invited at this time to address the Council. Please come to the microphone and state your name and address for the record or citizens wishing to speak may use the chat function to state their name, address, and question for the record. However, if your remarks pertain to a specific agenda item, please hold them until that item, at which time the Mayor may solicit your comments. Time limit is 3 minutes per speaker. The City Council is prohibited by state law from discussing any item not posted on the agenda according to the Texas Open Meetings Act, but may take them under advisement. Issues raised may be referred to City Staff for research and possible future action.
Dec 6, 2021 - City Council Combined Meeting

Citizens who wish to speak may fill out a form or email to the Interim City Secretary prior to the meeting.

E. Consent Agenda - All items listed on the consent agenda will be considered by the City Council and will be enacted on by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Councilmember or citizen so requests.
1. Approve the minutes of the November 15, 2021, combined meeting.
Dec 6, 2021 - City Council Combined Meeting
Action (Consent), Minutes
Recommended Action
Approve as presented.
View Minutes for Nov 15, 2021 - City Council Combined Meeting


Minutes of the November 15, 2021, combined meeting.



There are no policy considerations affiliated with this item.



Approve the minutes of the November 15, 2021, combined meeting.

All items listed on the consent agenda will be considered by the City Council and will be enacted on by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Councilmember or citizen so requests.
Motion & Voting
Approve Consent Agenda Items as presented.

Motion by Jeff Bickerstaff, second by Cullen King.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yes: Brett Franks, Cullen King, Jeff Bickerstaff, Mike Felix, Michelle Howarth, Chance Lindsey, Frank Millsap
E. Consent Agenda - All items listed on the consent agenda will be considered by the City Council and will be enacted on by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Councilmember or citizen so requests.
2. Cancel the City Council meetings on December 20, 2021, and January 3, 2022, and move the January 17 meeting to Tuesday, January 18, 2022, in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
Dec 6, 2021 - City Council Combined Meeting
Action (Consent)
Fiscal Impact
Recommended Action
Cancel the City Council meetings on December 20, 2021, and January 3, 2022, and move the January 17 meeting to Tuesday, January 18, 2022, in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.


The City will meet next on Tuesday, January 18, 2022. 



There are no policy considerations affiliated with this item.



Cancel the City Council meetings on December 20, 2021, and January 3, 2022, and move the January 17 meeting to Tuesday, January 18, 2022, in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.

All items listed on the consent agenda will be considered by the City Council and will be enacted on by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Councilmember or citizen so requests.
Motion & Voting
Approve Consent Agenda Items as presented.

Motion by Jeff Bickerstaff, second by Cullen King.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yes: Brett Franks, Cullen King, Jeff Bickerstaff, Mike Felix, Michelle Howarth, Chance Lindsey, Frank Millsap
E. Consent Agenda - All items listed on the consent agenda will be considered by the City Council and will be enacted on by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Councilmember or citizen so requests.
3. Accept the monthly revenue and expenditure report for the period ending October 31, 2021.
Dec 6, 2021 - City Council Combined Meeting
Action (Consent)
Preferred Date
Dec 06, 2021
Recommended Action
Accept the monthly revenue and expenditure report for the period ending October 31, 2021.
Be a model of financial stewardship through growth management, responsible investment, and financial transparency.


The Finance Department prepares a report each month to update the City Council regarding revenue and expenditures for the City. Included in the report are unaudited summaries for the General Fund, Utility Fund, Debt Service Fund, Sachse Economic Development Corporation, and the Sachse Municipal Development District, as well as an analysis of year-to-date sales tax revenue.



The City Charter requires that the City Manager submit a monthly report covering revenues and expenditures.



Accept the monthly revenue and expenditure report for the period ending October 31, 2021.

All items listed on the consent agenda will be considered by the City Council and will be enacted on by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Councilmember or citizen so requests.
Motion & Voting
Approve Consent Agenda Items as presented.

Motion by Jeff Bickerstaff, second by Cullen King.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yes: Brett Franks, Cullen King, Jeff Bickerstaff, Mike Felix, Michelle Howarth, Chance Lindsey, Frank Millsap
E. Consent Agenda - All items listed on the consent agenda will be considered by the City Council and will be enacted on by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Councilmember or citizen so requests.
4. Quarterly Investment Report for the quarter ended September 30, 2021
Dec 6, 2021 - City Council Combined Meeting
Action (Consent)
Preferred Date
Dec 06, 2021
Absolute Date
Dec 06, 2021
Fiscal Impact
Recommended Action
Accept the Quarterly Investment Report for the quarter ended September 30, 2021.


The Finance Department releases a quarterly report on the City’s finances. The investment section provides an overview of investment activity details for the Money Market, Investment Pool, and Certificate of Deposit accounts. It is the City’s strategy to maintain a high percentage of idle funds invested in safe, secure, and liquid investment securities and pooled investment types. This strategy is in accordance with the Public Funds Investment Act (PFIA) and City policy.


Cash on hand available for investing on September 30, 2021, was $64,276,955 in all funds. The average interest/yield on all investments was 0.40%, and investment earnings totaled $56,822.19.



Quarterly Investment Report for the quarter ended September 30, 2021



The PFIA requires that the Investment Officers prepare and submit quarterly a written report of investment transactions for all funds covered by the Investment Policy.



Accept the Quarterly Budget and Investment Report for the quarter ended September 30, 2021.

All items listed on the consent agenda will be considered by the City Council and will be enacted on by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Councilmember or citizen so requests.
Motion & Voting
Approve Consent Agenda Items as presented.

Motion by Jeff Bickerstaff, second by Cullen King.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yes: Brett Franks, Cullen King, Jeff Bickerstaff, Mike Felix, Michelle Howarth, Chance Lindsey, Frank Millsap
E. Consent Agenda - All items listed on the consent agenda will be considered by the City Council and will be enacted on by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Councilmember or citizen so requests.
5. Declare as surplus property and authorize the disposal of a 2003 Ford F350, Asset Number 322, and a 2009 Freightliner Vac-Con Unit, Asset 725.
Dec 6, 2021 - City Council Combined Meeting
Action (Consent)
Preferred Date
Dec 06, 2021
Recommended Action
Declare as surplus property and authorize the disposal of a 2003 Ford F350, Asset Number 322, and a 2009 Freightliner Vac-Con Unit, Asset 725.
Be a model of financial stewardship through growth management, responsible investment, and financial transparency.


Preparations are underway to auction several City-owned vehicles and other equipment that have been replaced over the past fiscal year. The first step in the disposal process is to declare the replaced items as surplus property. The two items pending disposal have an original cost in excess of $50,000, which requires authorization by City Council:


1) Asset 322, 2003 Ford F350, Fire Department, $90,000.

2) Asset 725, 2009 Freightliner Vac-Con Unit, $165,000.



According to the City's Surplus Equipment Policy, assets with an original purchase price of less than $50,000 may be declared surplus and authorized for disposal by the City Manager. Items with an original acquisition cost of $50,000 and over require authorization by the City Council.



Declare as surplus property and authorize the disposal of a 2003 Ford F350, Asset Number 322, and a 2009 Freightliner Vac-Con Unit, Asset 725.

All items listed on the consent agenda will be considered by the City Council and will be enacted on by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Councilmember or citizen so requests.
Motion & Voting
Approve Consent Agenda Items as presented.

Motion by Jeff Bickerstaff, second by Cullen King.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yes: Brett Franks, Cullen King, Jeff Bickerstaff, Mike Felix, Michelle Howarth, Chance Lindsey, Frank Millsap
E. Consent Agenda - All items listed on the consent agenda will be considered by the City Council and will be enacted on by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Councilmember or citizen so requests.
6. Approve a resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into an Interlocal Agreement with Collin County for participation in Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No. 3.
Dec 6, 2021 - City Council Combined Meeting
Action (Consent)
Preferred Date
Dec 06, 2021
Absolute Date
Dec 06, 2021
Recommended Action
Approve a resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into an Interlocal Agreement with Collin County for participation in TIRZ #3.


During the September 6, 2021, Council meeting, the City Council received a presentation from Trent Petty with Petty & Associates regarding the possible creation of a Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No. 3 (TIRZ #3). City Council directed the City Manager to bring forward a resolution at the September 20 meeting, calling for a public hearing to be held at the October 18 meeting. At the September 20 meeting, City Council approved the resolution calling for the public hearing on October 18 to create TIRZ #3. 


After holding a public hearing at the October 18 meeting, Sachse City Council approved Ordinance No. 4035 establishing Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone #3.


On November 15, 2021, Collin County Commissioners Court unanimously approved participation in TIRZ #3 with the City of Sachse.



The City of Sachse and Collin County have each respectively authorized participation in TIRZ #3 within the City of Sachse. The lifetime of TIRZ #3 is 30 years beginning in 2021. The City of Sachse and Collin County have authorized a contribution equal to fifty percent (50%) of its annual Tax Increment to the Tax Increment Fund. The Collin County portion of the agreement stipulates a maximum reimbursable amount of $9,977,447.


The TIRZ #3 Preliminary Project and Finance Plan contains an economic feasibility study which focuses on "direct" financial benefits to the Zone. During the 30-year term, new development that occurs within the Zone will generate approximately $121 million in total new real property tax revenue. The taxing units that will participate in and benefit from the new development of the Zone will retain approximately $60 million as follows: 


The final step in the participation process is for the City Council to authorize the City Manager to enter into the Interlocal Agreement with Collin County for participation in TIRZ No. 3 on behalf of the City of Sachse. 



Approve a resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into an Interlocal Agreement with Collin County for participation in TIRZ #3.

All items listed on the consent agenda will be considered by the City Council and will be enacted on by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Councilmember or citizen so requests.
Motion & Voting
Approve Consent Agenda Items as presented.

Motion by Jeff Bickerstaff, second by Cullen King.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yes: Brett Franks, Cullen King, Jeff Bickerstaff, Mike Felix, Michelle Howarth, Chance Lindsey, Frank Millsap
E. Consent Agenda - All items listed on the consent agenda will be considered by the City Council and will be enacted on by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Councilmember or citizen so requests.
7. Approve the Consent Agenda Items as presented.
Dec 6, 2021 - City Council Combined Meeting
Action (Consent)
Recommended Action
Approve Consent Agenda Items as presented.
All items listed on the consent agenda will be considered by the City Council and will be enacted on by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Councilmember or citizen so requests.
Motion & Voting
Approve Consent Agenda Items as presented.

Motion by Jeff Bickerstaff, second by Cullen King.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yes: Brett Franks, Cullen King, Jeff Bickerstaff, Mike Felix, Michelle Howarth, Chance Lindsey, Frank Millsap
F. Regular Agenda Items
1. Consider appointments to various City boards and commissions.
Dec 6, 2021 - City Council Combined Meeting
Action, Discussion
Fiscal Impact
Recommended Action
Appoint individuals to various City boards and commissions.
Provide excellent government services to Sachse citizens.
Provide a high quality of life environment for families, individuals, businesses, and other organizations in Sachse.


Except for the Municipal Development District Board, each board and commission term expires every two years in November. To fill vacancies, interviews were conducted on October 18, November 15, and December 6, 2021.



27 terms expired in November 2021. Of those, eight (8) vacancies need to be filled.



There are no policy considerations affiliated with this item.



Appoint individuals to the following City boards and commissions:

Motion & Voting
Appoint individuals to various City boards and commissions.

Motion by Michelle Howarth, second by Jeff Bickerstaff.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yes: Brett Franks, Cullen King, Jeff Bickerstaff, Mike Felix, Michelle Howarth, Chance Lindsey, Frank Millsap
F. Regular Agenda Items
2. Consider naming a chairperson and appointing individuals to serve on the TIRZ No. 3 Board of Directors.
Dec 6, 2021 - City Council Combined Meeting
Action, Discussion
Preferred Date
Dec 06, 2021
Absolute Date
Dec 06, 2021
Recommended Action
Appoint the Sachse City Council and Collin County Precinct 2 Commissioner, Cheryl Williams, to serve on the TIRZ #3 Board of Directors, and name ______________________ as the chairperson.


The City Council established the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No. 3 (TIRZ #3) at its October 18, 2021, regular meeting. This new TIRZ will need to be governed by a Tax Increment Financing Board, with a chairperson appointed in 2021. Ordinance No. 4035 established TIRZ #3 and stated that the City Council shall appoint its initial members to the Board of Directors within sixty (60) days after the passage of the Ordinance.



Chapter 311 of the Texas Tax Code provides the outline for the composition of the TIRZ Board of Directors. Collin County will be participating in TIRZ #3. Dallas County will not be participating in TIRZ #3.



The Board shall make recommendations to the City Council concerning the administration of the Zone. The Board of Directors shall prepare and adopt a project plan and financing plan for the Zone and must submit such plans to the City Council for its approval. The Board of Directors shall prepare required annual reports on the status of the Zone, which shall be subject to the approval of the City Council. The Board of Directors may not enter into any agreements to implement the project plan and financing plan without the authorization of the City Council.

Staff recommends that the City Council serve on the TIRZ #3 Board of Directors initially, and also recommends that Collin County Precinct 2 Commissioner, Cheryl Williams, be appointed to serve on the TIRZ #3 Board. As a Collin County policy, the individual whose precinct lies within the TIRZ sits on that respective TIRZ board. Since Commissioner Williams' precinct sits within the TIRZ #3 boundaries, she must sit on the TIRZ #3 board.



Appoint Sachse City Council and Collin County Precinct 2 Commissioner, Cheryl Williams, to serve on the TIRZ #3 Board of Directors, and name _______________________________ as the chairperson.

Motion & Voting
Appoint the Sachse City Council and Collin County Precinct 2 Commissioner, Cheryl Williams, to serve on the TIRZ #3 Board of Directors, and name Michelle Howarth as the chairperson.

Motion by Michelle Howarth, second by Cullen King.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yes: Brett Franks, Cullen King, Jeff Bickerstaff, Mike Felix, Michelle Howarth, Chance Lindsey, Frank Millsap
F. Regular Agenda Items
3. Receive a briefing on Bond 2021 projects.
Dec 6, 2021 - City Council Combined Meeting
Discussion, Information
Strategically invest in the City's existing and future infrastructure.
Be a model of financial stewardship through growth management, responsible investment, and financial transparency.
Provide excellent government services to Sachse citizens.


On November 2, 2021, Sachse voters approved four propositions for the issuance of general obligation bonds. The projects include:

  1. Bailey-Hooper Road, from SH 78 to Sachse Road
  2. Williford Road, from SH 78 to Bailey Road
  3. West Creek Lane, from Sachse Road to Timbercreek Court

For initial planning purposes, staff worked with consultants to create preliminary timelines; however, those timelines were not finalized until the bond election was completed. Now that the four propositions were voted on and approved by Sachse residents, staff will begin the process of formally laying out timelines for the projects. The purpose of this item is to provide the Council and residents with a brief update on the initial activity related to the recently approved Bond 2021 projects. 



There are no policy considerations affiliated with this item.


Receive a briefing on Bond 2021 projects.

F. Regular Agenda Items
4. Consider authorizing the City Manager to execute a professional services contract for design of the 5th Street District Phase 1 Improvements between the City of Sachse and Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. in the amount of Three Hundred Fifty-One Thousand, Nine Hundred and No/100 Dollars ($351,900).
Dec 6, 2021 - City Council Combined Meeting
Action, Discussion
Preferred Date
Dec 06, 2021
Absolute Date
Dec 06, 2021
Fiscal Impact
Dollar Amount
Budget Source
The design project is funded through the Utility Fund and General Capital Fund.
Recommended Action
Authorize the City Manager to execute a professional services contract for design of the 5th Street District Phase 1 Improvements between the City of Sachse and Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. in the amount of Three Hundred Fifty-One Thousand, Nine Hundred and No/100 Dollars ($351,900).
Make Sachse more prosperous through job creation and quality development that adds community value.
Strategically invest in the City's existing and future infrastructure.


The City of Sachse started the redevelopment of the 5th Street District now that the Sachse Road and 5th Street reconstruction projects are nearing completion. In partnership with the Economic Development Corporation (EDC), City Staff engaged Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. to begin the design of the first phase of public improvements to the area generally bounded by Sachse Road, 5th Street and Alexander Street. The intent of this first phase is to deliver necessary infrastructure improvements (water, sewer, drainage/detention, parking, and roadway improvements) to develop several pad sites and promote potential development in the area.


This project is located in TIRZ #3 and is eligible for reimbursement from future revenue generated by TIRZ #3.



This design project will provide a preliminary concept plan, lot layout, and an overall drainage study. Construction plans will be created for utility upgrades and extensions, regional drainage/detention, future parking, and Alexander Street reconstruction. 



This project is part of the City of Sachse Capital Improvement Plan that was approved as a part of the most recent process and is outlined in the Economic Development Corporation Strategic Goals and Objectives.



Authorize the City Manager to execute a professional services contract for design of the 5th Street District Phase 1 Improvements between the City of Sachse and Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. in the amount of Three Hundred Fifty-One Thousand, Nine Hundred and No/100 Dollars ($351,900).

Motion & Voting
Authorize the City Manager to execute a professional services contract for design of the 5th Street District Phase 1 Improvements between the City of Sachse and Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. in the amount of Three Hundred Fifty-One Thousand, Nine Hundred and No/100 Dollars ($351,900).

Motion by Brett Franks, second by Jeff Bickerstaff.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yes: Brett Franks, Cullen King, Jeff Bickerstaff, Mike Felix, Michelle Howarth, Chance Lindsey
No: Frank Millsap
F. Regular Agenda Items
5. Conduct a public hearing to consider and act on a variance and plat for Original Town of Sachse Lots 6A-R, 6B-R, 6C-R and 6D-R, Block 11, being a replat of Lot 6, part of Lot 7, Block 11, and part of an abandoned right-of-way of the Original Town of Sachse, generally located west of the intersection of Fourth Street and Sachse Street, within Sachse city limits
Dec 6, 2021 - City Council Combined Meeting
Action, Discussion
Fiscal Impact
Recommended Action
Approve the waiver/variance and proposed replat.


Proposal to replat property into four townhome lots:


Generally, plat approval is not discretionary. However, the applicant is requesting a waiver/variance to the subdivision standard requirement of a minimum 100-foot lot depth for residential lots in order to replat the subject property for townhome lots. As proposed, the townhome lots would be approximately 82-feet in depth after dedication of a 15-foot public alley at the rear of the property. Future right-of-way reconstruction of Fourth Street would provide the opportunity to regain and add approximately 10 to 15 feet of land to each of the townhome lots. However, they would still be short of the minimum lot depth requirement.   


City Council may grant a waiver if they find:

(1) That there are special circumstances or conditions affecting the land involved such that the strict application of the provisions of this ordinance would deprive the applicant of the reasonable use of their land.

(2) That the waiver is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right of the applicant, that the granting of the waiver will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare or injurious to other property in the area.

(3) That the granting of the waiver will not have the effect of preventing the orderly subdivision of other lands in the area in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.



This proposal falls within the current criteria for approval of waiver/variance as it is not detrimental to public health, safety, or welfare and that without the waiver/variance it would deprive the applicant of the reasonable use of the property. In addition, due to the expansive current right-of-way of Fourth Street, a future reconstruction of Fourth Street would allow the townhome lots to have an ultimate lot depth just under the 100-foot requirement.



Approve the waiver/variance and proposed replat.

Motion & Voting
Approve the waiver/variance and proposed replat.

Motion by Jeff Bickerstaff, second by Chance Lindsey.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yes: Brett Franks, Cullen King, Jeff Bickerstaff, Mike Felix, Michelle Howarth, Chance Lindsey, Frank Millsap
G. Executive Session
1. The City Council shall convene into Executive Session pursuant to Texas Government Code Section §551.087: Deliberation Regarding Economic Development Negotiations: Discussion of an economic development incentive for Balleza Insurance Agency, LLC.
Dec 6, 2021 - City Council Combined Meeting
Closed Session
G. Executive Session
2. The City Council shall convene into Executive Session pursuant to the Texas Government Code, Section §551.074: Personnel Matters: Regarding the annual review of the City Manager.
Dec 6, 2021 - City Council Combined Meeting
Closed Session


Historically, the City Council has conducted a performance review of the City Manager every six months from the date of hire. Currently, the annual review of the City Manager is conducted in December and the mind-year review is conducted in June.



There are no policy considerations affiliated with this item.



Conduct Executive Session as appropriate.

H. Regular Agenda Items
1. Take action as a result of executive session: Consider authorizing the City Manager, as Executive Director of the EDC, to negotiate and execute an economic development agreement on behalf of the EDC with Balleza Insurance Agency, LLC, and any amendments and instruments related thereto.
Dec 6, 2021 - City Council Combined Meeting
Preferred Date
Dec 06, 2021
Absolute Date
Dec 06, 2021
Recommended Action
Authorize the City Manager, as Executive Director of the EDC, to negotiate and execute an economic development agreement on behalf of the EDC with Balleza Insurance Agency, LLC, and any amendments and instruments related thereto.
Make Sachse more prosperous through job creation and quality development that adds community value.
Motion & Voting
Authorize the City Manager, as Executive Director of the EDC, to negotiate and execute an economic development agreement in the amount of $20,000 on behalf of the EDC with Balleza Insurance Agency, LLC, and any amendments and instruments related thereto.

Motion by Michelle Howarth, second by Cullen King.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yes: Brett Franks, Cullen King, Jeff Bickerstaff, Mike Felix, Michelle Howarth, Chance Lindsey, Frank Millsap
H. Regular Agenda Items
2. Take action as a result of executive session: Consider authorizing the City Manager, as Executive Director of the EDC, to negotiate and execute an economic development incentive on behalf of the EDC with Evolve Biologics (USA) Inc., and any amendments and instruments related thereto.
Dec 6, 2021 - City Council Combined Meeting
Preferred Date
Dec 06, 2021
Absolute Date
Dec 06, 2021
Make Sachse more prosperous through job creation and quality development that adds community value.
H. Regular Agenda Items
3. Take any action as a result of Executive Session.
Dec 6, 2021 - City Council Combined Meeting
Recommended Action
Motion to
Motion & Voting
Motion to increase the City Manager's salary by 4% annually effective immediately.

Motion by Jeff Bickerstaff, second by Michelle Howarth.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yes: Brett Franks, Cullen King, Jeff Bickerstaff, Mike Felix, Michelle Howarth, Chance Lindsey, Frank Millsap
I. Regular Meeting Closing
1. Adjournment.
Dec 6, 2021 - City Council Combined Meeting